Hobhouse, L. T. LIBERALISM AND OTHER WRITINGS, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 (repr.).
Hobhouse, L. T.
LIBERALISM AND OTHER WRITINGS, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000 (repr.).
In-4º peq., de XL-201 pp., brochado. Faz parte dos Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought, da responsabilidade dos profs. Raymond Geuss e Quentin Skinner. Em Inglês.
Obra que apresenta fixação de texto, introdução, apanhado cronológico dos principais acontecimentos da vida do A., notas biográficas, outras leituras e Index de James Meadowcroft, prof. do Departamento de Política da Univ. de Sheffield.
“L. T. Hobhouse’s Liberalism (1911), which has acquired the status of a modern classic, is the most enduring statement of the political principles which animated British liberal social reformers in the early years of the twentieth century. While written in a popular style, it is actually a theoretical work of some subtlety, combining an historical analysis of the evolution of liberal doctrine with a philosophical discussion of the character of liberal belief, and proposing a reformulation of liberalism which emphasizes community, individual welfare rights, and a activist state. (…)
This new edition of Liberalism includes a number of Hobhouse’s other writings from the same period, which help to define its place in the development of his political philosophy.” (> from the backcover)
Nota bio-bibliográfica s/ Leonard Trelawny Hobhouse (St. Ives, Ingl., 1864-1929) aqui.
Dim.: 21,5 x 14 cm