Gaskell, Elizabeth THE MOORLAND COTTAGE AND OTHER STORIES, Oxford University Press, Oxford/ New York, 1995 (repr.).

  • Refª.: l-102321

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Gaskell, Elizabeth

THE MOORLAND COTTAGE AND OTHER STORIES, Oxford University Press, Oxford/ New York, 1995 (repr.).

In-8º, de XXIX-318 pp., brochado.  Teve edição e notas a cargo de Suzanne Lewis.  Em Inglês.

“Elizabeth Gaskell was a consummate storyteller, and in this selection of one short novel and eight stories she encompasses an extraordinary range of narrative voices, settings, and genres. She herself acknowledged, 'you know I can tell stories better than any other way of expressing myself'. Her work shows her compulsion to express herself on the many subjects relevant to her experience as a Victorian, and Mancunian, a Unitarian, a social observer, and a woman. Above all, however, she writes about love.”  (from the backcover)

Sobre Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell (Chelsea, Ingl., 1810-1865) ver: 

Dim.:  18,5 x 12  cm