Hawthorne, Nathaniel THE SCARLET LETTER, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, 1999 (repr.).

  • Refª.: l-106029

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Hawthorne, Nathaniel

THE SCARLET LETTER, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, 1999 (repr.).

In-8º, de XX-203 pp., brochado. Integra os Wordsworth Classics; c/ introdução e notas do prof. Henry Claridge, da University of Kent, em Canterbury.  Em Inglês.

“This is a troubling story of crime, sin, guilt, punishment and expiation, set in the rigid moral climate of 17th-century New England. The young mother of an illegitimate child confronts her Puritan judges.
However, it is not so much her harsh sentence, but the cruelties of slowly exposed guilt as her lover is revealed, that hold the reader enthralled all the way to the book's poignant climax.”  (from the backcover)

Adaptada diversíssimas vezes por outras formas de Arte, teve uma memorável realização cinematográfica de Robert Vignola (1934), cuja apresentação pode ser vista aqui:  https://archive.org/details/TheScarletLetter19341080p 

Sobre Nathaniel Hawthorne (Salem, E.U.A., 1804-1864) ver:   https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nathaniel-Hawthorne

Dim.: 20 x 13 cm