Kipling, Rudyard KIM, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, 1993 (repr.).
Kipling, Rudyard
KIM, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, 1993 (repr.).
In-8º, de 247 pp., brochado. Integra os Wordsworth Classics. Em Inglês.
“Kim tells the story of Kimball O' Hara (Kim), who is the orphaned son of a soldier in the Irish regiment stationed in India during the British Raj. Kim's early life varies from being a vagabond on the streets of Lahore to his adoption by his father's regiment” and recruitment into espionage. (> backcover)
Sobre Rudyard Kipling (Bombaim, 1865-1936), 1º escritor de expressão inglesa a receber um prémio Nobel de Literatura (1907), ver:
Dim.: 20 x 13 cm