Richards, I. A. THE POCKET BOOK OF BASIC ENGLISH, The Orthological Institute/ Pocket Books, Inc., New York, 1946.

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Richards, I. A.

THE POCKET BOOK OF BASIC ENGLISH, The Orthological Institute/ Pocket Books, Inc., New York, 1946.

In-8º peq., de XXIV-(6)-334 pp., brochado.  2ª edição revista.  Em Inglês, c/ Prefácio e Sounds of the words em 5 línguas (Francês, Espanhol, Português, Italiano e Alemão).  “A Self-teaching Way into English”, muito ilustrado a preto e branco c/ inúmeros desenhos exemplificativos.

“’Basic English’ is English made simple by limiting the number of its words to 850, and by cutting down the rules for using them to the smallest necessary number for the clear statement of ideas.  And this is done without change in the normal order and behaviour of these words in everyday English.  This is the first point to make clear.  Basic English, though it has only 850 words, is still normal English.  It is limited in its words and its rules, but it keeps to the regular forms of English.  And though it is design to give the reader as little trouble as possible, it is no more strange to the eyes of my readers than these lines, wich are in fact in Basic English’.

I. A. Richards, whose defence of Basic English in 1943 (Basic English and its Uses) is quoted above, had worked with the founder of the ‘language’, C. K. Ogden, in 1923 on The Meaning of Meaning, an influential text on theoretical semantics.  (…) He was also  the co-author, with Christine Gibson, of the one application of Basic that has survived in general use.  It was originally called A Pocket Book of Basic English (1945) but is known to large numbers of people throught out the world as English Through Pictures, the first of a series of ‘Through Pictures’ spin-offs. (…)

BASIC stands for British American Scientific International Commercial.  It is not a merely simplified form of English but a language in its own right, a rival to Esperanto or Jesperson’s Novial or any of the other artificial languages which were proposed as a means of international communication in a divided world, and which attracted the idealism of the post-war generation with particular strength.”  (in A.P.R.Howatt/ H.G.Widdowson, A History of English  Language Teaching, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2004, pp. 283-4)

Folha de rosto c/ peq. assinatura de posse e carimbo do distribuidor português.

Estado de conservação:  capas em mau estado c/ acidez, gastos  e vestígios de fita-cola nas extremidades e lombada; 2 cadernos c/ acidez; 1 caderno solto; sinais de uso.

Dim.:  16 x 10,5  cm