Twain, Mark THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER, Penguin Books, London/ New York, 2002 (repr.).

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Twain, Mark

THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SAWYER, Penguin Books, London/ New York, 2002 (repr.).

In-8º, de (2)-192-(1) pp., brochado.  Em Inglês.

“Tom Sawyer would rather have fun than go to school.  He is mischievous and irresponsible and a menace to his aunt Polly — althought he usually manages to charm his way out of trouble. With his friend Huckleberry Finn he runs wild with a band of boy pirates on the Mississipi, learns to smoke, explores a haunted house, and even discovers buried treasure.  But after a midnight visit to a graveyard, they become caught up in dangerous adventures that they could never have imagined…” (from the backcover)

Editada originalmente em 1876, tornou-se muito popular e teve adaptações p/ teatro, televisão, cinema, banda desenhada, etc.  A apresentação que se segue foi baseada nesta obra e faz uso tanto das personagens, como do A. p/ a concepção de novos episódios, realizados por Will Vinton (1985): 

Mark Twain, pseudónimo literário de Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Florida, E.U.A., 1835-1910), tem informação  biográfica aqui: 

Dim.:  19,5 x 13  cm