Woolf, Virginia THE WAVES, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, 2000 (repr.).

  • Refª.: l-106410

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Woolf, Virginia

THE WAVES, Wordsworth Editions, Ware, 2000 (repr.).

In-8º, de XVII-172 pp., brochado. Integra os Wordsworth Classics; c/ introdução e notas de Deborah Parsons, da Universidade de Birmigham.  Em Inglês.

“In pure stream-of-consciousness style, Woolf presents a cross-section of multiple yet parallel lives, each marked by the disintegrating force of a mutual tragedy. The Waves is her searching exploration of individual and collective identity, and the observations and emotions of life, from the simplicity and surging optimism of youth to the vacancy and despair of middle-age.”  (from the backcover)

Biografia de Virginia Stephen, depois Woolf (Londres, 1882-1941) em:  https://www.notablebiographies.com/We-Z/Woolf-Virginia.html 

Dim.: 20 x 13 cm